"No more connections can be made ..." message forces upgrade from XP Pro to ... what? A server? Win 7?
I have a four pc network all running XP. System A has XP Pro. Since adding Carbonite backup to A I am running out of "Input connections" when I try to access the network per the error message "No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept." I have reduced the AutoDisconnectTime from 15 mins to 2 mins perhttp://support.microsoft.com/kb/314882 with no benefit. I have run Netstat and TCPView with no enlightenment. The advice so far is to "upgrade to server software" or possibly to Win 7. Would either of these work? Re "server", I have no intention of adding a fifth pc system. Can I just replace XP Pro on system A with one of the server sw's on offer? Which server sw? If I do this will everything on system A look and operate just as it does now - except for fixing the problem?If I go for Win 7 does the fact I have four systems mean I have to buy two copies of the 'three pack' upgrade? I don't want to maintain both XP and 7 if I can avoid it.1 person needs an answerI do too
January 31st, 2011 3:35pm

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